About Us

About Us

About Us

Al-Rawaf Contracting Company is one of the companies under the Sakaf Holding Group. It is a specialized company in general contracting, working in the fields of construction, infrastructure development, road works, water and energy solutions. The company operates with an ambitious vision and a clear strategy to achieve its goals through organized institutional work.

The company was established in 1996, and since its inception, it has executed numerous large and ambitious projects. During this period, it successfully built a strong foundation of distinguished human resources, accumulated experience, and creative capabilities, making it one of the key contributors to the contracting and construction sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Our Message

We contribute our extensive experience to the Kingdom's development by executing vital projects and providing comprehensive solutions and services in design, supply, construction, and operation. We are driven by our passion for excellence and innovation, embracing technology while staying true to our Saudi identity.


We strive to become one of the largest contracting companies before the end of this decade, contributing to the realization of the Kingdom's Vision and improving the quality of life and living standards of its citizens.


Innovation: We deliver exceptional quality and set new standards in the sectors we operate in to achieve excellence and continuous improvement.
Safety: We prioritize a safe working environment and adhere to the best practices to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and partners.
Quality: We satisfy our clients by meeting their requirements, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and with the desired quality.

Our history

How did we get here?
1996 - 2006
  • Issuance of the commercial register of Al-Rawaf Company
  • Beginning of road and network works
2006 - 2016
  •  Infrastructure works start
  •  Launching a number of major projects
  •  Digital transformation in all company systems.
  •  The use of artificial intelligence in quality control, risk management and cost control
  •  Geographical expansion in Saudi Arabia
2017 - 2024
  • Transitioning from merely executing projects to designing and implementing them with the highest standards.
  • Structuring projects based on environmental sustainability.
  • Receiving a number of projects supporting Vision 2030 under the Public Investment Fund program.
2017 - 2024
  •  Obtaining the first classification in all fields and obtaining ISO certificates
  •  Moving from taking tendering and execute projects only to designing them and executing them to the strictest standards.
  •  Structuring our projects on the basis of environmental sustainability.
  •  Receiving a number of projects that support the vision of 2030 within the Public Investment Funds Program.
Please select listing to show.

The main structure of the company

Human resources

Human resources

Logistical support

Logistical support

Indirect resources

Indirect resources

Operation and equipment

Operation and equipment

The main structure of the company

Human resources

Logistical support

Indirect resources

Operation and equipment

our partners

In collaboration with our partners, we elevate our projects to new levels of excellence and innovation, jointly contributing to building a sustainable future that meets our shared aspirations and supports the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
Asset 1
وزارة الشؤون القروية والبلدية
Ministry of Rural and Municipal Affairs
الرياض الخضراء
The Green Riyadh
الشركة السعودية لشراكات المياه
Saudi Water Partnerships Company
المؤسسة العامة لتحلية المياه
The Public Authority for Water Desalination
الهيئة الملكية للرياض
Royal Commission for Riyadh
الوطنية للإسكان
National Housing Company
أمانة منطقة الرياض
Riyadh Municipality
أمانة القصيم
Qassim Municipality
جامعة القصيم
Qassim University
ديوان المظالم السعودي
Saudi Board of Grievances
شركة المياه الوطنية
National Water Company
الهيئة السعودية للمدن الصناعية و مناطق التقنية
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones
وزارة البيئة والمياه والزراعة
Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture
وزارة التعليم
Ministry of Education
وزارة الدفاع
Ministry of Defense
وزارة النقل
Ministry of Transport
وزراة الحرس الوطني
Ministry of National Guard